Navigating Social Distancing

I am done teaching yoga… Well, I am done teaching yoga in the capacity that I was teaching previously. As we all practice social distancing, our lives that we previously lived have paused (or completely halted).

I write this completely healthy and practicing social distancing in hopes to stay that way…. But I hope this reaches you where you are in your journey.

Taking Time To Clean Out

I don’t mean your closet (although mine is being cleaned out). We literally have extra time to now clean out the negative habits that no longer serve us.

When we wipe clean everything that consumed us before COVID-19, what is left?

Clean Slate

So as we take this time as an individual and as a society (if we are healthy) we have been gifted this bonus time where we can no longer rely on the distractions that we used to numb out. We now have all the time to dig deep and clean out the shit.

We get to let our old habit die (and it will be hard) but we now have been gifted the power to choose.

Stop Consuming: Start Creating

If this is resonating with you at all, I invite you to listen to my podcast and take my donation-based workshop with all your extra free time.

Kylie Ignace