Benefits of Yoga in Business: 5 Reasons Why Your Company Needs to Incorporate Yoga.

The Benefits Of Yoga in Business.

Yoga is a practice to unite the body, breathe, and brain. When employees are hunched over and working at the computers, grinding through their day, mindfulness and alertness may be a far off thought.
Yoga mixed throughout the day can benefit not only their bodies but their alertness and attention to detail.

5 Reasons Why Your Company Needs Yoga

  1. ) Yoga helps workers be more aware and alert. Decreases fatigue.

  2. ) Yoga in the workplace can spark a healthy lifestyle by reducing tension held in the body.

  3. ) Helps with creativity and adds a mental boost.

  4. ) Boost of positive moral

  5. ) Reduces Stress

Yoga Helps Workers Be More Aware

We have all been there, the mid day slump. You still have 4 hours until you can leave the office but the brain fog is real and fatigue is creeping in…

This is where most workers sneakily check out for a few minutes. They check their emails, get their 3rd cup of coffee, scroll social media, or take a smoke break. Work that isn’t productive but sitting there staring at a blank screen isn’t productive either.

Break out of the habit! Yoga can not only help moving the energy of the body forward but also create more energy in the body.

Office yoga or small breaks of intentional breath and movement increases blood circulation and removes stuck energy that could be sucking your energy dry!

Spark a Healthy Lifestyle

Employee absentees are estimated to cost companies BILLIONS of dollars every year.

When you learn how to feel good in your body, you begin to make better choices on a day to day basis. Those choices create a healthier lifestyle.

Yoga teaches people to feel into their bodies and to make more conscious decisions. Those decisions could save your company A LOT of money.

Helps with Creativity. Yoga Gives a Mental Boost

Yoga is moving the body in a way that is connected to the breath and thoughts. When you move the body, you get your blood pumping. When you increase circulation in the body, you naturally get a boost of awareness in the brain.

Also, when you move your body in new ways, you create new neurological pathways in the brain which could help sparking creativity.

Boost Moral

Yoga can help put a positive spin on the workday. When humans physically and mentally feel well, the whole workplace moral increases.

Instead of being quick to act or get heated, yoga can teach awareness and release of tension. This then begins to have a ripple effect throughout the entire company.

Reduces Stress

It is estimated that stress is the root cause of 90% of doctors visits.

Stress is a silent killer that is easy to push aside but unavoidable when not dealt with properly.

Yoga gives employees a chance to release tension in the body and in the brain. Releasing the tension can help employees avoid headaches, back aches, and stress related illnesses.

Can you afford to NOT have yoga?

Many companies often say they don’t want to pay for yoga, but the question is, ‘Can you afford to not offer yoga?’

In addition to having more alert and creative employees, it could also offer a better work environment (helps with employee retention) and decreasing medical costs.

If you want corporate yoga, reach out! I would love to come and offer mindfulness to your office, school, or workplace.

Kylie Ignace