It's About Remembering
“It is less about becoming... and more about remembering... ”
Use any device, watch any screen, drive anywhere, and/or listen to the radio/podcast and you are seeing roughly 4,000-10,000 advertisements A DAY!
These advertisements could be in the form of commercials, emails, billboards, product placement, social media advertisements, digital ads, and sponsored ads. There is NOTHING wrong with the ads, in fact, I wouldn’t have a job if I believed there was.
Advertisements are how we learn about awesome new products, places, people, and things.
What’s wrong is the messaging in the ads….
Us advertisers are taught to hit pain points of consumers. Tell them who they could be if they bought “x”… Make them feel like their life would improve with “y”…. That they are missing out because they don’t have “z”….
This is a two-edge sword…. Yes, people’s lives may change if they buy a product. BUT, the bad part is the mindset people develop.
This messaging tells people that they have to CHANGE or BECOME something to get a desired outcome. This has people looking outside themselves for everything.
Contigent (adj)
occurring or existing only if (certain circumstances) are the case; dependent on.
Contingencies and A Lot of Reaching
“When I land this job, then I will become happy”
“When I lose ten pounds, then I will be confident”
“When I land the perfect partner, then I will feel love”
“When I get this new outfit, then I will feel cute”
Noticing the pattern?
We are always reaching outside ourselves for something because we are taught to believe it’s not ours.
This pattern is vicious and unsettling. Left unnoticed or unchanged, we spend our entire lives reaching for what others have instead of noticing what we have had all along.
Can we not feel happiness, successful, confident, love, cute, sexy, charming, wanted, needed, appreciated, healthy without reaching for something or someone?
What if I told you, YOU have everything you need right this instant!
You are all that you have ever been and you are all you will ever be.
I say that quote often while teaching yoga. Lets pause and let it sink in though… Right here, in this moment, you are all you have ever been, and you are all you will ever be.
That is why, it is less about becoming and more about remembering.
As we become aware to all the layers, expectations, and fears that has dictated who we “should” be, we can than remember who we were before all the heaviness. We than can take the pressure off to become something different than what we are because you are already everything you have longed for. Nothing is outside of you.
“You are stardust…. Your entire physiological structure is composed of the remnants of stars that exploded billions of years before you were even conceived. Your entire composition is made up of cosmic fragments of infinite proportion”
Less Becoming… More Remembering
So I challenge you… Lay down the ‘shoulds’ and the striving.
Can you drop what you think you need to become to be love, needed, beautiful, successful, wanted, magnificent, ** insert ANY adjective that you’re grasping for and remember you already are all those things.
You are all the things. You are stardust. You are made up of INFINITE potential!
Deep down you know that… That is why as a child, it was easy to dream. It wasn’t until you were told that you were limited that dreaming became harder.
Tips to Remember Your True Nature
Your true nature is love. Deep down you have a a knowing that no one is separate. Connect to that knowing with these few tips.
1.) Meditate - Meditating helps you to become the observer of the voice inside your head and the ego that makes you feel separate.
2.) Journal - Free journal…. LET IT ALL OUT. Put a timer on for 5-10 minutes. Your only goal is to not stop writing. Connect to that inner voice and listen to what is has to say.
3.) Dance- Not like a choreographed dance but like no one is watching… Let is all out. Move your body without fear of being judged. Go crazy.
4.) Take the True Nature Workshop: This yoga class and journaling exercise will help you tap into your heart chakra and set to habits to sprinkle throughout your routine!