The World Needs You...
…(but not the frazzled you)
The world needs the thinkers, the visionaries, the empaths, and the healers. The world does not need the frazzled version of the thinker, the visionary, the empath, or the healer.
If you are any of those things on the above list, it is easy to get frazzled and stressed out by the state of the world. It is easy to deplete your energy quickly. We feel the need to argue and stress points. We feel the need to help and evoke change.
We also feel the need to defend those who have been attacked. We want our voice heard but at what cost?
Finding Balance in a World of Extremes
If you look around, there is little balance in the world. We thrive off of polarity, but where is that getting us?*
*Side note: I support the BLM movement completely. I stand with the LGBTQ+ community. And I wear a mask in public.
My beliefs are not the point. How I was choosing to go about with my beliefs is.
Constant State of Resistance
In the past two weeks, I was in a constant state of resistance. I resisted white supremacy. I resisted the ignorance on social media. I argued points. I fought with family. And I’m f***ing tired.
There is something to be said for the protests. I love watching the power in coming together for a change. But:
looking for a fight on social media isn’t a protest
posting rude or opposing comments isn’t standing up for your beliefs
saying this country/world is going to crap and making no change in your actions doesn’t make you an activist
All this does is bring up resistance and resistance is the lowest vibration you can be in!
What you resist, persists.
“what you resist not only persists but will grow in size”
Now, I know I have my social justice warriors screaming ‘BUT KYLIE, IF WE DON’T RESIST NOTHING CHANGES’. And on the outside, it may look that way.
If your way of resisting is working for you, then great…. Resist away. I applaud you!
But if you’re like me and your struggling to keep you empathic soul above water, I’m challenging you to try to take a different approach.
What is Resistance?
Resistance is defined as “the act or power of resisting, opposing, or withstanding” or “the opposition offered by one thing, force, etc., to another.” (according to Now that sounds all “power to the people”. And I acknowledge that if it wasn’t for the Order of the Pheonix, Voldemort may have won.
But for all my Harry Potter nerds, I want you to think back to how Dumbledore handled Fudge. Did he resist by screaming and throwing a fit? No! De stayed grounded and navigated from a place of strength and power. He went with the flow when needed and knew when to step in to make a change.
Now for everyone reading that that has never read Harry Potter, let me translate. Constantly screaming for a change to people who don’t want to hear you, gets you nowhere! Screaming your point to people who have no intention of hearing you is asking to suffer.
And to continually scream your point when you know what the outcome will be is your own choice of punishment.
The Tocqueville Effect
The Tocqueville Effect is said to started democracy as we know it. When I first read into it though, I paraphrased it to resistance breeds more resistance.
When we are screaming, our voices are getting muffled and muted and our energy is suffering.
What if our resistance is breeding more resistance? There has to be a better way!
Beliefs are thoughts we have told ourselves over and over again until we believe them to be truths.
We are all controlled by our beliefs.
Some beliefs create and others destroy. But people’s beliefs are locked.
Habits and thoughts that have kept people safe this long is a hard thing to break. You can’t break their beliefs. You have to break the habit.
Stop Meeting Anger with More Anger
That above statement goes for every side of the argument! I will repeat… Stop meeting anger with more anger….
Let’s recap. If ‘like’ creates more ‘like’ and beliefs are locked…. What can we do?
We break habits.
Everyone is the steps of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance). And we are all grieving something. We have gone through some of the most trying times (global pandemic/race wars/ political arguments/social distancing etc) Some have much bigger things to grieve, but that doesn’t negate anyone’s feelings.
When we meet angry/hurting people with opposing views, we aren’t showing up as a person they respect/like/trust… We are showing up as the enemy. Someone that is threatening their beliefs (beliefs that have kept them safe).
Actions for a Change
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
This is where I beg of you to take actual action that could change our world!
The minute you feel anger (or stress/sadness/frustration) ensue, step away from what’s making you that negative emotion, and go take action in the real world!
The minute you find yourself scrolling through the comments of blogs/articles/news stories just to see how ridiculous people are STOP! (this is not making the world better! I know you dumb uncle is on and you feel the pull to roll your eyes at him BUT (take it from someone who argued until she was blue in the face) it doesn’t help!
For everything you want to see in the world, do one real action!
Take care of yourself! Physically/ mentally/ spiritually! (ideas below)… The better you feel in your body, the more energy you can put out in the world to make a difference.
Make sure you’re moving your body
Reading and listening to things that light you up
Having conversations that bring joy and love into your space
Use your voice for positive change that you want to see but do so in constructive ways! (ideas below)
Donate to your favorite charity (like the ones you have actually researched and know where the funds go)
Post successes!
Call your congressmen and politicians and have conversations on changes that you want to see
Consider running for office yourself
Find wants to spread knowledge (not shove it down people throats)
Spread love, even to people who you hate… Because you can’t catch flies with vinegar…. You can only catch flies with honey!
FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE. Literally what you focus on expands…. So one of the best things you can do is expand the good!
I’m not asking you to curl up and play dead. I am asking you to guard your energy so you can go out and make real change, where it matters.
If you need to join a community to work on mindset, movement and meditation, I invite you into the membership! Every month we collectively work on a theme to improve our bodies and mindset!