International Yoga Day - Mid Year Check-in
What Is International Yoga Day
June 21st marks International Yoga Day, a holiday I can get behind. It is also National ‘Bring Your Dog to Work Day’- So basically just the best day around.
Although International Yoga Day has only been around since June 2015, it has picked up steam.
In India, 40,000 people were lead in a yoga practice today by Mr.Narendra Modi.
The theme of the class? ‘Yoga for the heart’. Modi was quoted saying "Let our motto be - Yoga for peace, harmony, and progress".
Although I didn’t lead 40,000 people this morning at our local studio, 14 people did roll out there mat to celebrate. Let me mention that 90% of those people, didn’t know it was International Yoga Day.
Today regardless on if you know it, marks Summer Solstice for the northern hemisphere. The longest day of the year is traditionally celebrated by 108 Sun Salutations. Those 108 Sun Salutations are said to build fire, purify your body, help get in touch with yourself, and moves your prana/ energy upwards.
Take it from someone who has done 108 sun salutations a few times, it is also a lesson in strength and surrender.
Why It Matters
Today, even though we did not do traditional sun salutations, we did check in. We linked breath and body. We moved and built fire in our centers. All things I would urge everyone to do in the next few days.
July 1st marks 2019 being half way complete. That fire for change, resolutions, intentions, and self improvement may not be as prevalent as it was January 1, but this is a good time to check in and reevaluate.
Questions to ask yourself to reevaluate…
How has this year gone thus far?
What has been a blessing?
What am I grateful for?
How can I show up better in the next 6 months?
What was the biggest time waste/time suck?
How much time would I have if I monitored this time suck?
What gave me the most joy and value?
I asked myself all of these questions and some I truly didn’t like the answer to…. Biggest time suck? MY PHONE… How could I show up better? — DITCH THE PHONE….. (you see a trend here)
Questions to Build from:
How do I want to feel in the next 6 months?
Whats one thing I can do everyday to feel that?
What goals need work?
Is this goal attainable or should can I make this a stretch goal ?
What can I do every day to work on this goal?
How can I feel better in my body everyday?
I asked myself all these questions and realized sometimes when I am overzealous, I get discouraged; feeling that my goals are out of reach, which makes me paralyzed in fear.
I also realized I need to monitor my time more.
We have the time when we make the time.
Rachel Hollis brought up the point that we have the ability to get a ton of stuff done the day before vacation because we make the time- Imagine if we live every day like that.
I want you to channel that feeling that the beginning of the year brings. That feeling that ANYTHING is possible.
Find that fire of 108 sun salutations and put that fire and feeling of surrender to your goals.
Crawl onto your mat and connect.
Connect to the fire.
Connect to the truest version of yourself.
Release the heaviness that has been weighting you down and start off the middle of 2019 like it is the beginning.
Happy Middle of 2019 - Let’s Create Something Awesome!