Create Your Dream Life - Avoid Goals, Move Toward Cravings! E5S1
What are we moving towards when we go throughout our everyday life?
It’s hard to get moving in any direction on normal days let alone on days where we are lacking structure.
The openness is freeing but also terrifying!
How you can structure your days without goals!
A roadmap you can use is to ask yourself “What you are craving?”
You can then ask yourself… What feelings are attached to those cravings….
This tip is brought to you by Nicole Antonette of Real Talk Radio.
This question shows what you need!
Move Toward that Feeling
This idea then made me think of Danielle LaPorte’s desire mapping… She stresses that you can move toward your heart’s desires!
You can look at what you want to achieve… Step away and detach from the goal and move toward the feeling that is attached to that goal!