Create Your Dream Life- Being Cranky S1 E2
Being Cranky
What do you do when you wake up cranky? What do we need to do when we are stuck in a negative mindset or you woke up on the wrong side of the bed?
Know that your mindfulness practice makes you aware of ALL THOUGHTS (the good bad and in-between).
Humans have around 60,000 thoughts a day and 90% of those thoughts are repeated from the day before.
“If you can worry, you can meditate”
Meditation and Why it matters
Meditating can be a form of repeating. Repeating a mantra or a word. When you’re watching that repetition, you can easily become aware when your mind drifts off. Then ask yourself, ‘where does your mind go’?
This exercise is important it allows us to take control of our thoughts. When we shift our thoughts, our body’s response.
Becoming aware of the chatter (and then shifting it ) matters because our brain communicates with every cell in our body and vice versa.
Example, the lemon experiment.
Our bodies are tribal bodies and responds to negative emotions with a “fight or flight” response.
Increasing heart rate
Increasing the clotting factors in the blood
Shallow breath
Decreasing the production of anti-aging hormones.
Take back control
Tips to take back control.
Watch the breath.
Set a time for 5 minutes and free-write.